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Fantasy art walls surreal trompe l'oeil artist focusing primarily on mural painting
I am a trompe l'oeil artist focusing primarily on mural painting. I have found that the "language" of life-size illusions allow me to communicate with a very large audience. It seems almost universal that people take delight in being visually tricked. Once captivated by the illusion, the viewer is lured to cross an artistic threshold and thus seduced into exploring the concept of the piece. I have also found that by creating architectural illusion that integrates with the existing environment both optically and aesthetically, the art transcends the "separateness" that public art sometimes produces.

Architecrue optical illusions gallery: surreal murals wall painting pictures. Fantasy art walls surreal trompe l'oeil artist focusing primarily on mural painting.

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Architecrue optical illusions gallery: surreal murals wall painting pictures. Fantasy art walls surreal illusion architecture murals painting picture.